Tips for Mobile
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Top 10 Mobile App Development Tips

Hand holding an iPhone.
Are you looking to develop a mobile app that users love? If so, read on to learn about the top ten mobile app development tips.

Mobile apps are bits of wonder in our digital universes – there are over 4 million apps and counting across the major platforms and they fill our lives with productivity, motivation, and entertainment.

No matter how much we love them, not every app reaches gold star level.

What does it take to build a successful app?

Keep reading for the top 10 tips to mobile app development.

1. Have Clarity

To be successful in any endeavor, you must first know where you are going and why. App development is no different.

You want to create your app so that it solves one singular issue. Create one experience that you want for your user and nail it. Don't give several options on the app and hope they pick right.

Hone-in on the purpose and guide the user through that experience.

2. Create an App that Mimics Real Life

Mobile apps that mimic real life are seamless. They add to the user's real-life experiences.

For example, a study app should reflect how people actually study. This way you can offer the best value to the user. When your app is valuable, users are more likely to remain loyal to it. You want to create for convenience.

Including in-app analytics keep you informed on how your app is being used. This will help you keep improving over its lifespan and inform future apps.

3. Beta Testing

Your app should be immediately intuitive to the end user. If your app is confusing, users will trade for something better.

Try letting a small group of potential customers try the app and record their feedback with it. This testing is critical to launching a successful product. After recording the app's challenges, go back and repair them. Then test again.

Repeat this process until you have a strong product to present to the market.

4. Market Research

A huge part of having a successful app is knowing who the app is for. You should know what they like and where they congregate.

Are they Android users? Do they prefer IOS? What are common issues that face your target demographic? Answering the right questions can save you hundreds of wasted hours and funds.

When you understand your user's motivation's, you can tailor sales to them. This way, users are more likely to make a purchase.

5. App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is the process of optimizing your application in the app store. It drives traffic to your app and requires in-depth knowledge of your demographic.

For instance, an important piece of knowledge is the keywords they are using. Knowing the search terms your audience is using is the cornerstone of getting found.

The vast majority of apps are discovered through the search feature. Including a major keyword in the title of the app will drive downloads. Spend time researching the best words to avoid having to change the title of your app down the road.

6. Choose the Right Mobile App Development Team

Your app should be as free of errors as possible. To avoid headaches, choose a reliable mobile app development team. Evaluate your needs before choosing.

Are you a complete newbie and need guidance? A full-service development team may be for you. They will walk you through the design, development, and marketing processes.

Are you only in need of design or development? There are companies for you also. The main takeaway is that you spend ample time vetting prospective companies. The wrong fit could be disastrous.

You'll want to make sure any company you work with has a provable track record.

7. Keep Ads Relevant

Banner ads and pop-ups are a form of interruption advertising. They quickly overstayed their welcome with the onset of the digital age. Ads are also a way to monetize your app if you don't have in-app purchase options.

Nowadays, banner ads use relevant marketing. Cookies track users online activity. When they travel to other sites, it presents them with ads for things they are already searching for.

For apps, the ads can be tailored to other apps the user might like.

Be sure to keep ads as a functional part of the website. Overdoing it may inhibit the user experience. Unhappy end-users uninstall apps.

8. Plan for Use Across Multiple Platforms

Most people navigate through multiple devices in a day. You want your app to be seamless on a computer, tablet, and smartphone. Also, make your app available for IOS as well as Android. You don't have to do this all at one time.

Start on one platform until it is up and running smoothly. Then slowly integrate others.

You want your logo and brand to be recognizable across each platform as well. If a customer starts an order on the phone, they should be able to complete it on their tablet.

Also, always be updating. Technology changes with the blink of an eye. You don't want to get left behind.

9. Plan for Offline Use

If you user hits a wifi dead-zone, you don't want them to lose all the hard work they've put in. Plan for offline usability while developing your app. This is an open area to explore and gain points with your audience.

10. Make it Visually Appealing

An app should be visually appealing but not overbearing. For instance, using to much text and texture in the design will not translate well.

You can use typical design elements but keep in mind the platform it is for. Some things that look good on a computer screen may completely fail on a cellphone screen.

Developing the Best App

The best mobile apps have a plan. The market is just too saturated to go into mobile app development on a whim. A strategy based on research will propel you to heights of application success.

Contact us today to discover how we bring companies' app dreams to reality.


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