Azure Dev Ops
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Convert PFX Certificate to Base64 String

When working on Azure DevOps test plans, oftentimes you’d have to secure the communication between the resources using certificates.

For example, when establishing a secure connection between your VSTS build server and the Service Fabric cluster on Azure, you’ll have to give the Base64 encoded version of the pfx certificate that you’ve used to secure the service fabric cluster.

That way, your build server will be able to securely connect to the cluster to deploy packages or other artifacts.

Converting the pfx certificate to the Base64 encoded string is easy using Powershell.

1$fileContentBytes = get-content 'C:\Techfabric\TFProcess\Articles\convert\test-cert.pfx' -Encoding Byte
2[System.Convert]::ToBase64String($fileContentBytes) | Out-File 'pfx-encoded-bytes.txt'
Converting the pfx certificate to the Base64 encoded string
Converting the pfx certificate to the Base64 encoded string

The text file with the necessary bytes will be created in the same folder where the script is run.


Preetham Reddy, Cloud Solutions Architect at TechFabric

TechFabric specializes in building web, mobile, and cloud-based applications using Microsoft Stack (C#, .NET Core, Xamarin, Azure, SQL Service, etc.). If you need help with taking your on-premise application to the cloud or converting your monolithic applications to microservices-based, we’d be glad to help you out. You can reach out to our sales team at


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